美国军队大力推进可再生环保资源的利用以促进节能减排,增强对士兵健康保护,减少环境污染和对石油的依赖,保持可持续发展。美国国防部(DOE)、防务运输处(DLA)和国家能源和环境防卫中心(NDCEE)因为使用可再生产品而获得“Inauguration Award”嘉奖,这些产品包括瑞安勃生物基环保润滑油的生物基金属保养油、生物基液压油等。


The Department of Defense, DefenseLogistics Agency (DLA) and National DefenseCenter for Energy and Environment (NDCEE)won the 2011 Center for Environmental Innovation and Leadership’s “Inauguration Award” for their Green Product Evaluation and Demonstration Program. Pictured fromleft to right are: Mike Pipan, DLA Headquarters; Calvin Lee, DLA Aviation; James Reed, DLA Headquarters; Dave Asiello, Office ofthe Deputy Under Secretary of Defense forInstallations & Environment; George Handy, NDCEE / CTC; Hershell E. Wolfe, Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army Environment, Safely and Occupational Health and NDCEE Executive Agent.